Monday, November 30, 2009

Let the Holiday Season Begin!!

Needed a new out fit for the upcoming Christmas Season, so here it is--and a bonus!! While modeling my new dress and cape for myself, a friend calls and wants a blow job!! What luck!! Such a nice start to the holiday season!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Starting in December--New and Improved Club Sex Addict

Last night at Club Sex Addicts--we all had so much fun--but the real deal went on behind the scenes!!

Sally has revamped the next party already!! You are going to be thrilled with the results! The venue management and owner have given her a free hand to make this the BIGGEST, BEST, WILDEST sex party ever!!

Full facts and information are coming VERY soon but trust me--Auntie Blair wouldn't lie to you!! This is going to blow the top off the party scene!! I've said enough--watch the emails for all the details--and be sure to mark December 28th on your calender--you aren't going to need to celebrate New Years Eve this year--you may not have be able to by then!!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jack's pictures from Tuesday at Blair's 11-10-09

Jack the Veteran was quite the shutter bug at the party--ENJOY!!!