Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jerry's party in Brea!

What a day! Thank you, Jerry for the great place to have a party. We had so much fun--if you missed this one, please come to the next one! We had 33 people that I can remember and I am old so maybe that's light! There were the most gorgeous gurls there--Jessica, Monica, Miki, Niki, Malaya--I mean I felt like a man in drag next to these lovely examples of female! And I like how I look--I just mean that these gurls are what illusions are all about! And the men loved the action--I could tell! Henry wanted to elope! Kosmo was raped--well, as much as you can rape the willing--some very sexy B&D--it was a great time! Jerry, again I thank you for all the group--your generosity is only overshadowed by your good looks! I am proud to call you friend!

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